Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanks Giving

Writing Prompt:
1. Give thanks for one thing that's easy to be grateful for - something big and obvious that comes to mind quickly.

2. Give thanks for something tiny and obscure - something you normally take for granted.

3. Give thanks for something you aren't grateful for. Find one reason why this thorny thing in your life is actually a blessing.

I’m thankful for rainy days gone sunny, and the windows opening just wide enough to let the breeze in during suffocating heat waves.  I’m thankful for the smell of cookie dough baking when burnt dreams are wafting in the air.  I appreciate the subtle smile of a co-worker or a student who pauses just long enough to show caring but not too long as if to avoid imposing.  I am thankful for the family that I have supporting me every day, to hold me up when harsh winds try to knock me down.  I’m thankful for eyes looking into my soul and understanding my heart without ever having to hear me utter a word.  Sometimes words are too frightful or too intangible to be teetered off the tongue.  So I’m thankful for understanding without speaking.  I’m thankful to be sitting around a table with the people who love me most in the world, and no matter what, will always love me most in the world.  I’m thankful for safekeeping, for personal safeties of my heart and personal safeties of my physical well-being.  I’m thankful for our health, for the good report cards we receive from our doctors and for the precious prayers that are answered.  I am thankful that our prayers are heard and that, so often, they are answered.  I’m thankful for genuine emotion and the ability to feel tears and laughter and exaltation.  And, although the knots that tie and twist inside of us are setbacks, I am thankful for the untying afterwards, for the wonderful days when I can sit back and say: this has been a good day because it has been my day and one that I feel in control of.  I am thankful for feeling powerful.  I am thankful for self-appointed power, for the power to control my actions, my emotions, and my words.  And at the end of the day, if I can truly say that my day was so much more than just “making it through” then I can be thankful that I have chosen to make the most of my moments.  Here’s to making the most of our moments.

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot of things to be thankful for prof, I hope those cookies being baked don't have any chemicals in them. Lol.
